Hello Hoss.

Cheers for your response.  Much appreciated.

"typically the act of writing this sample code helps you spot where you
amy be doing something wrong in your application"

Fair enough point.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to post any sample code
until I return to my home office. Will post it as soon as possible.

"you'll have to be a little more specific about "That didn't work." "

Well, after supplying my own list of stop words as an argument to both
analyzers,  (for indexing and searching)  I noticed that the ISO country
codes in question (AT, BE, IN, etc..) were still being stripped from the
query syntax, as though my own list of stop words had never taken effect.  I
would very much appreciate it if you could stand by for my sample code.

Kindest Regards,

On 7/12/07, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: So far, I have attempted to fix this problem by defining my own list of
: words and passing that array onto a standard analyzer used for both
: and searching.  That didn't work.  Would a per-field analyzer work in

that is the correct way to change your stop word set ... you'll have to be
a little more specific about "That didn't work." to get any more specific
suggestions on your problem ... ie: can you send a small bit of self
contained sample code that shows it not working for you?

(typically the act of writing this sample code helps you spot where you
amy be doing something wrong in your application)


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