I'm not sure I understand how all the objects you talk to relate to each other, nor do I see a concrete question in your post.

Is your problem that you do not know how to denormalize the object grapgs in order to represent them as Lucene documents that make sense to search in? Or are you asking how to implement an ad hoc service for your PDM that communicate with Lucene?

The latter is probably a question we will not be able to help out with more than explaining how readers, writers and searchers work.

29 jul 2007 kl. 01.56 skrev Dmitry:


thanks for help.

I will try to explain requirements. There is system PDM - product Data Management System - which manages the data related to products, supports precudures druing the product lifecycle deals with the development and production infrastructure. There following design paterns which can be used for implementation and customization of this system - point to integrate Lucene with Windchill (PDM):

- The Object Reference Design Pattern (encapsulates details concerning persistable objects and their unique databse keys- like for Objects WTParts, WTAssemblies, WTDocuments and their relations) - Business Service Design Pattern (building windchill services - like using remote interfaces service Events) - Master-iteration Design Pattern (like two objects: Mastered and Iterated: adhare all versioned data in Windchill PDM system <PDMLink> and <ProjectLink>)

We need use Lucene with WTObeject like WTDocuments && WTParts to create indexes and provide search service. The properties of a document for instance - MS Documnts or PDF files are specified on the WTDocument class. But the sum of the propertiesare stored on WTDocumnetMaster. WTDocument implements ContenrHolder - primary content and secondary content. And by the way WTDocument can create two types of relationships to other documents using WTDocumentUsageLink (build relationships between documents and document structure). Atributes which need to be used for searching are on either WTDocumentMaster or WTDocument clasess.

This was just short desription of architecture of PDMLink - Windchill. So we need create some Lucene services(processors) embedded to the system using extended interfaces for creation indexes and Search all Documnets by Attributes.

Search Engine News


Trying to integrate PDM system : WTPart obejct with Lucene indexing search framework. Part of the work is integration with persistent layer <hibernate>+ indeces storage+ mysql

You have a product data management software of some sort that use
MySQL via Hibernate for persistency, and now you want to use Lucene
to search the data?

Could not find a good solution ...

What possible solutions did you find, and what was the problem with

please advice

My guess is that very few people in this forum knows how Windchill
works, what a WTPart is or what the complexity of the system is in a
persistent state. So you probably need to explain your requirements a
bit more in order to get a helpful answer or discussion going.


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