Try using the explain() method to give more insight.

On Aug 9, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Jami Kapla wrote:


I have been using Lucene recently (newbie) and reading about scoring.
However, have a result that of course still does not make sense to me.

I have an index created from a single field (entree) in one table in my DB.
I Index it with the StandardAnalyzer.

I also Query it with the StandardAnalyzer as simple as possible like:

QueryParser qp = new QueryParser("title", new StandardAnalyzer());
   query = qp.parse( qStr );
            hits = query );

Here is the possible responses that I know are in the index.

Lemon chicken
Chicken parmesan
Chicken marsala
Chicken cordon blue
Chicken and dumplings
Bbq chicken
Garlic chicken
Teriyaki chicken
Chlcken picatta

If qStr="Chicken" thus basic TermQuery it works as expected and returns the result:

Chicken score=0.99999994 (sort of thought this would be 1.0 but at least it found and scored the right one)
Lemon chicken           score=0.625Chicken parmesan     score=0.625
.... so on

However, if I make it a Fuzzy search by setting qStr="Chicken~" the results I get are

Chlcken picatta         score=1.0
Chicken                         score=0.4026232
Lemon chicken           score=0.2516395
Chicken parmesan        score=0.2516395 on

Most likely this is a lack of my understanding of the fundamentals but I would think it should come up with Chicken as the highest score still considering it is an exact match.

Any clue as to why this is is greatly appreciated.

Meanwhile I am still reading docs and searching the web.


Grant Ingersoll

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