Try too look at Similarity, there you will find thinks about the scoring. Your query is more "similar" with the shorter document. If you have 2 documents with a field body; first with words "red flower" and the second with just one word "flower", and search for the word "flower", the second document will score high because is very similar with the query.

If you want to give priority to documents that are larger, like z1, you should change the DefaultSimilarity (at index time), more exactly the method:

 public float lengthNorm(String fieldName, int numTerms) {
   return (float)(1.0 / Math.sqrt(numTerms));

to something like this

 public float lengthNorm(String fieldName, int numTerms) {
   return (float)(Math.sqrt(numTerms));

Reindex your documents with the Similarity modified and try to search again. The IndexWriter has a method to set the similarity used for indexing.

I hope this will help you...


Jamal jamalator wrote:
Hi I have indexed this html document =============z1========================
<h1>zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo </h1><br>
<h1>zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo </h1><br>
<h1>zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo </h1>
 <h1>zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo </h1><br>
 <h1>zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo </h1><br>
 <h1>zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo zo </h1><br>
with this code

Field contentK1 = new  
contentK1.setBoost(1/10f);  //10%
and when a search "zo" with luke i have (whitespaceanalyser):

(score , id   )
(0,0957,z2 )
(0,0947,z3 )

NORMALY the resut expected have to be z1 z2 z3

Some One have an idea ??

Thank you all

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