On 29-Oct-07, at 9:43 AM, Paul Elschot wrote:

On Friday 26 October 2007 09:36:58 Ard Schrijvers wrote:
+prop1:a +prop2:b +prop3:c +prop4:d +prop5:e

is much faster than

(+(+(+(+prop1:a +prop2:b) +prop3:c) +prop4:d) +prop5:e)

where the second one is a result from BooleanQuery in BooleanQuery, and
all have Occur.MUST.

SImplifying boolean queries like this is not available in Lucene, but it
would have a positive effect on search performance, especially when
prop1:a and prop2:b have a high document frequency.

Wait--shouldn't the outer-most BooleanQuery provide most of this speedup already (since it should be skipTo'ing between the nested BooleanQueries and the outermost). Is it the indirection and sub- query management that is causing the performance difference, or differences in skiptTo behaviour?


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