John Wang wrote:
> Would payload work?
> -John
Yes, if you used payloads instead of stored fields your performance
should be much better.

Try and index one special term per document (e. g. score:pagerank), and
index one position with a payload for each doc. Then when you retrieve
hits open a TermPositions using the special term, get the payload and
incorporate it in the docs' score.

The performance overhead should be comparable to adding one AND-term to
your query.


> On 11/15/07, Zhou Qi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thank you, my score is fixed score from the properties of the page, but at
>> first we need to adjust the score for a promising result.
>> I have tried one way of manually re-ranking all the documents by the
>> search results. But it needs to iterate all the retrieved results and fetch
>> the re-ranking score (stored in the index) to sum the overall score. It is
>> inefficient. How to improve that by a new approach?
>> Sorry for making you misunderstanding. Thanks
>> Best Regards,
>> Zhou Qi
>> Dept. Computer Science & Engineering
>> Shanghai Jiaotong University

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