
I'm looking for suggestions on how to deal with the following (simplified)
scenario (Lucene 2.2.0):

Documents in my index have some number of fields that are searched in
various combinations via boolean queries.

Each document also contains a field that contains a field that isn't
searched that contains values "Foo", "Bar", "Baz", or no value at all.

I need to boost the score of a hit in a Document by different amounts based
on whether the field in the matching document contains "Foo", "Bar", or

Heretofore I have been adding a document boost at indexing time based on the
source data that is being indexed in each document. This makes the boost
apply across the board and gives the desired results. However, my users now
want to the ability to selectively apply the boost or not, so doing this at
indexing time is no longer an option.

Many thanks in advance for your thoughts,


Tom Emerson

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