I'm trying to index information related to Olap Cubes.
Each cube I'm trying to model it like a document.
The cube have the following information:
ID - Unique identifier for the cube
Name - Name of the cube
Description - Description of the cube
(There can be many dimensions per cube)
Dimension name - Name of the dimension of the cube 
Dimension observations - Observations related to the dimension. (Optional)
Dimension type - Type of the dimension
(Each dimension has at least one Level, but there can be many levels per 
Level name - Name of the level
Level observations - Observations of the level (Optional)
(There has to be at least one Fact per cube)
Fact name - Name of the fact
Fact aggregation - Aggregation of the fact
(Also there can be custom properties added by the user, with the form 
Custom property name - Name of the custom property
Custom property value - Value of the custom property
Right now I'm just indexing the first 3 ID, Name and Description, but I would 
also want the other information to be indexed and search the cube with that 
Data sample:
ID: 0
Name: Quarter sales per region
Descriptíon: Description of the cube...
Dimension name: Region
Dimension observations: The dimension only includes countries of south america
Dimension type: Geographical
  Level name: Country
  Level observations: Observations of the level....
  Level name: City
  Level observations: Observations of the level....
Dimension name: Time
Dimension observations: Has data only from the year 2000
Dimension type: Time
  Level name: Year
  Level observations: No observations
  Level name: Quarter
  Level observations: No observations
Fact name: Sales
Fact Aggregation: Sum
Fact name: % Quarter Growth
Fact Aggregation: AVG
Custom property name: Frequency
Custom property value: Quarterly
Custom property name: Last update
Custom property value: 2006-01-01
My problems would be the following.
1. How to index "Dimension name" and "Dimension observations".
If there would be just Dimension names, I cound index it as a single Field with 
multiple values. 
But with the addition of the observations, I need to know if the search term 
was founded within the observation, to wich dimension belongs the founded 
And the same happens with the "Dimension type"
2. There can be many of these Dimension name, observations, type. The same 
applies for the Level name, observation - Fact name,type - Custom property 
name, value.
3. The levels. if the search term was founded in the level observation, I would 
need to know to which level name is related the level observation founded along 
with the dimension related, and finally the cube itserlf.
Well... this was a bit long question to be my first one.
Maybe what I want can't be done, maybe there could be some walkaround that 
someone knows it.
I was thinking that if it can be posible to have a field, with additional info 
attached to the value, that is not searchable, it just needed when the field 
value is retrieved it.
For example a Multi-value field called DimObs.
Value1: "Observations related to the first dimension of the cube"
Related info: "Dimension name1"
Value2: "Observations related to the second dimension of the cube"
Related info: "Dimension name2"
When the search is performed and is founded in the DimObs, for example "first".
Then the search found "first" int the DimObs, but I would need to retrieve the 
"Related info" to know to which Dimension belongs the observations founded.
Thanks in advance for keeping with me till the end of this mail and for any 
suggestions that could give me.
Roger Camargo
UMSS "University"
Cochabamba - Bolivia
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