> Also, search the archives for Term Vector, as you will find 
> discussion  
> of it there.  

Ah I see, I need to cast it to TermPositionVector. OK.

> You may also, eventually, be interested in the new  
> TermVectorMapper capabilities in 2.3 which should help speed up the  
> processing of term vectors by providing a callback mechanism 
> to allow  
> you to load them into data structures that make sense for your  
> application.


What I need is are startOffsets of a special term.

I use TermPositionVector#getOffsets(TermPositionVector.indexOf("foo")).

Can TermVectorMapper speed this up?

And how can I find the offsets of something like "foo bar"? I think this
will get tokenized into 2 terms and thus I have no chance to find it, right?

Thank you.

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