On Feb 29, 2008, at 4:09 AM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:

That implies the Lucy actually is under development... Perhaps they will take up work on Lucy...


I haven't been feeding back my KinoSearch commits into the Lucy repository, true. Not much has changed status-wise since this: <http://xrl.us/bgyu6 > (Link to mail-archives.apache.org). I miss Dave :( but work continues apace. I just figured I wouldn't bring anything up here until I had some experimental Java bindings for you folks to play with. Some of the stuff I'm working on with KS isn't compatible with Lucene, and it doesn't make sense to impede progress by imposing that constraint. Better to finish it up, present a polished version and a coherent explanation of the design, then have Mike McCandless riff off of it -- that worked pretty well for indexing speed improvements in Lucene 2.3.

Marvin Humphrey
Rectangular Research

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