Note that there are actually two concurrency issues to guard against

  * Document itself cannot be changed (fields added or removed) from
    multiple threads without external synchronization.

  * Document cannot be changed from one thread while another thread is
    calling writer.addDocument.  It's this case that's causing your
    1st exception.

Please report back on whether adding correct external synchronization
resolves this!

I can explain why the original exception leads to index corruption:
IndexWriter incorrectly increments the buffered document count even
when there is an exception and the document was not in fact added to
the segment.  I will fix this so an exception when init'ing a document
doesn't then lead to index corruption...

Thanks for reporting this Tyler!


Yonik Seeley wrote:

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Tyler V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mike -- Thanks so much for the prompt reply.

You are right, we are accessing these documents with multiple threads
 (and have always been). However, I am wondering if the increased
 indexing speed in 2.3 has revealed a hidden concurrency issue.

You are modifying the documents from multiple threads?

My fault... I removed the synchronization on Document (changed from
Vector to ArrayList).  It was never guaranteed to be thread-safe for
modification, and almost never makes sense without external
synchronization anyway.

If you really need to modify a single document from multiple threads,
please synchronize.
That explains the first exception, but no the second.  I assume you
aren't still changing the document while it's being indexed?
It appears as if the original exception causes corruption.


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