Michael McCandless wrote:

Yes fdt/fdx hold stored fields. When the first buffered document is added these files are created.

The only way they disappear (through Lucene's APIs) is if a writer is opened on that directory, and, those files are not referenced by the current segments file. This is why I'm concerned about the "two writers at a time" risk. If a 2nd writer is opened while 1st one is still open that would easily cause this issue, so triple check that the messages you send to your logger on having to remove the write.lock are definitely not happening when you hit this corruption.
I think you could be right.  I am going to try the following change:

     public void indexMessage(Email email) throws MessageSearchException {
         VolumeIndex volumeIndex = null;
         synchronized (volumeIndexLock) { // note here
             Volume volume = email.getEmailId().getVolume();
             volumeIndex = volumeIndexes.get(volume);
             if (volumeIndex!=null) {
             } else {
                 volumeIndex = new VolumeIndex(volume);

Can you post the output of "ls -l" on the corrupted index directory?

One more possibility is that this file failed to be created in the first place, yet, IndexWriter flushed the remaining _0.* files. I can see one code path that causes this, however, it only happens if you open a new writer, you call addDocument, you hit an exception specifically in the code trying to create the fdt file (eg something like "too many open files"), then you close the writer. I have a unit test showing this particular exception would result in the _0.* files you see in your index with fdt/fdx missing. Are you really sure you don't see any exceptions, perhaps from very long ago, against this index, when calling addDocument? If you are hitting this case, it's already been fixed (this is LUCENE-1198) and backported to the 2.3 branch. Are you able to checkout the current 2.3 branch and run your test using the JAR from there?

Since your index has much later segment files (_1.cfs, _j.cfs), these exceptions could have happened quite a while back (many writers ago) but then only detected when you finally opened a searcher. So if possible, look way back in your error logs...


Jamie wrote:

Hi Michael

I've tried to reindex the index several times and no such luck. I've enabled lucene debugging as you suggested and will let you know as soon as I have more information. From what I've read, fdt files are used to hold field data. Could there be any reason why this file is not being written? Does Lucene recreate this file every time from scratch? Why would the file completely disappear?


Michael McCandless wrote:

One more thing: try running with asserts enabled (java -ea). Lucene has a number of assertions that may catch something sooner.

Also: how often do you try to open a searcher? Can you try opening and then closing a searcher right after you close your writer? (Just so we detect the corruption the moment it happens).


Jamie wrote:

Hi Michael

Michael McCandless wrote:

It looks like you ignore any IOException coming out of IndexWriter.close? Can you put some code in the catch clause around writer.close to see if you are hitting some exception there?
Sure. I'll do that.

Also, you forcefully remove the write lock if it's present. But are you absolutely certain there isn't another writer actually writing to that index directory?
Yes. There is only ever one writer writing.

Do you copy the index or alter it in some way?
No. absoutely not.
One strange thing in your directory listing was the file "indexinfo", which isn't a Lucene index file. Something else must be writing that file.
Yes. I neglected to mentioned.... its used by my application to deal with multiple indexes.


Jamie wrote:

Hi Michael

Sorry for the late reply. As you guessed, it missed my attention.

Michael McCandless wrote:


Can you describe what led up to this?

My application indexes emails. In this particular instance, I had reindexed all emails from their original sources. The error occurred while I was using a search to search through the index.
Were there any exceptions when adding documents to the index?
I had a look through all my application debug logs and there were no exceptions outputted.

Was the index newly created with 2.3.1 or created on 2.3.0 or 2.2?
This index was created by v2.3.1

What options are you using in your IndexWriter?
 See source code below:

public void indexMessage(Email email) throws MessageSearchException {
         Volume volume = email.getEmailId().getVolume();
         VolumeIndex volumeIndex = volumeIndexes.get(volume);
         if (volumeIndex!=null) {
         } else {
             volumeIndex = new VolumeIndex(volume);
         public class VolumeIndex {
                       IndexWriter writer;
               Volume volume;
               Timer closeIndexTimer = new Timer();
            AccessStatus volumeOpened = AccessStatus.CLOSED;
            Object indexLock = new Object();
public synchronized AccessStatus getAccessStatus() { return volumeOpened;}

public synchronized void setAccessStatus(AccessStatus volumeOpened) {
                 this.volumeOpened = volumeOpened;
                           public VolumeIndex(Volume volume) {
                       this.volume = volume;
closeIndexTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
                       public void run() {
                   }, indexOpenTime, indexOpenTime);

protected void openIndex() throws MessageSearchException {
                 synchronized(indexLock) {
                       if (getAccessStatus()==AccessStatus.CLOSED) {
logger.debug("openIndex() index will be opened. it is currently closed.");
                       } else
logger.debug("openIndex() did not bother opening index. it is already open.");
protected void openIndex(boolean retry) throws MessageSearchException {
                   if (volume == null)
throw new MessageSearchException("assertion failure: null volume",logger); logger.debug("opening index for write {"+volume+"}");
                   Index activeIndex = volume.getActiveIndex();
logger.debug("opening search index for write {indexpath='"+activeIndex.getPath()+"'}");
                   try {
writer = new IndexWriter(activeIndex.getPath(), analyzer);
                   } catch (IOException io)
                       if (!retry) {
// most obvious reason for error is that there is a lock on the index, due hard shutdown // resolution delete the lock, and try again logger.warn("failed to open search index for write. possible write lock due to hard system shutdown.",io); logger.info("attempting recovery. deleting index lock file and retrying.."); File lockFile = new File(activeIndex.getPath()+File.separatorChar + "write.lock");
                           try {
                           } catch (MessageSearchException mse) {
                               throw mse;
throw new MessageSearchException("failed to open/ index writer {location='"+activeIndex.getPath()+"'}",io,logger);

public void prepareIndex(Volume volume) throws MessageSearchException {
                               if (volume==null)
throw new MessageSearchException("assertion failure: null volume",logger); if (volume.getIndexPath().startsWith("rmi://"))
File indexDir = new File(volume.getIndexPath());
                 if (!indexDir.exists()) {
logger.info("index directory does not exist. will proceed with creation {location='" + volume.getIndexPath() + "'}");
                   boolean success = indexDir.mkdir();
                   if (!success)
throw new MessageSearchException("failed to create index directory {location='" + volume.getIndexPath() + "'}",logger); logger.info("index directory successfully created {location='" + volume.getIndexPath() + "'}");
public void indexMessage(Email message) throws MessageSearchException {
               long s = (new Date()).getTime();
               if (message == null)
throw new MessageSearchException("assertion failure: null message",logger);
               logger.debug("indexing message {"+message+"}");
                             Document doc = new Document();
               try {
writeMessageToDocument(message,doc); String language = doc.get("lang");
                  if (language==null)
                      language = getIndexLanguage();
                          synchronized (indexLock) {
logger.debug("message indexed successfully {"+message+",language='"+language+"'}");
               } catch (MessagingException me)
throw new MessageSearchException("failed to decode message during indexing",me,logger);
               } catch (IOException me) {
throw new MessageSearchException("failed to index message {"+message+"}",me,logger);
               } catch (ExtractionException ee)
throw new MessageSearchException("failed to decode attachments in message {"+message+"}",ee,logger);
               } catch (Exception e) {
throw new MessageSearchException("failed to index message",e,logger);
               logger.debug("indexing message end {"+message+"}");
                             long e = (new Date()).getTime();
               logger.debug("indexing time {time='"+(e-s)+"'}");
protected void closeIndex(IndexWriter writer) {

                      synchronized(indexLock) {
if (getAccessStatus()==AccessStatus.CLOSED)
                                             try {
                               if (writer!=null)
try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (Exception e) {}
                       } catch (Exception io) {}
                     protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
               logger.debug("volumeindex class is shutting down");
               try {
               } finally {

Is it easy to reproduce?
Its difficult to reproduce since the problem seems intermittant..
If so, can you call setInfoStream on your IndexWriter when creating this index and post the resulting output?
I'll try this but I cannot guarantee anything. Do you see anything obvious from the above?


Jamie wrote:

Hi There

I am getting the following error while searching a given index:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/local/index/_0.fdt (No such file or directory)
       at java.io.RandomAccessFile.open(Native Method)
       at java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory$FSIndexInput$Descriptor.<init>(FSDirectory.java:506) at org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory$FSIndexInput.<init>(FSDirectory.java:536) at org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory.openInput(FSDirectory.java:445) at org.apache.lucene.index.FieldsReader.<init>(FieldsReader.java:75) at org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentReader.initialize(SegmentReader.java:308) at org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentReader.get(SegmentReader.java:262) at org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentReader.get(SegmentReader.java:197) at org.apache.lucene.index.MultiSegmentReader.<init>(MultiSegmentReader.java:55) at org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryIndexReader$1.doBody(DirectoryIndexReader.java:75) at org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos$FindSegmentsFile.run(SegmentInfos.java:636) at org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryIndexReader.open(DirectoryIndexReader.java:63) at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader.open(IndexReader.java:209) at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader.open(IndexReader.java:173) at org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher.<init>(IndexSearcher.java:48)

My software used to work perfectly under earlier versions of Lucene. Since I upgraded to 2.3.1, this problem has arisen.

I seriously worried my customer's indexes will be corrupted. Lucene expects to find a file that does not exist.

Any ideas on what might be happening and how to rectify this?


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