I am trying to use Lucene index to implement a tag cloud  system. I add a new 
field  named "tags" in index to  store all the tags,and we don't support tags 
with more than one word, so different tags of the same document just are 
separate by white space.  The "tags" filed in one document  may looks like this 
doc1  tags : travel Beijing  news
doc2  tags:  beijing sports news
I can easily retrieve tags related with single document,and also get the 
documents related with certain tag, but it's hard  find a "efficient" way to  
get frequent tags  from a "set" of documents of this index.Tthe set of the 
documents is always generated dynamically, may be a search result, a  
dynamically generated category through clustering. The document set is very 
large, maybe several ten thousands or several hundred thousands.So simply  
iterate all  the documents in the set and find the frequent tags might not be 
applicable.Do you have any better idea ?


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