Mark Miller wrote:
MB: Ah, thanks for clearing the version stuff up...I just assumed that
trunk last week was pretty close to 2.3.1. I am def trunk last thurs or
fri. Perhaps the problem is after 2.3.1, and perhaps the problem is only
with me.

OK, thanks for verifying. I'll go ahead and publish 2.3.2 then. If it still turns out that this problem also occurs on the 2_3 branch then we can always make a 2.3.3 release.


MM: FYI- I upgraded a really old test install (hasnt been touched by a
new version of lucene since mid last year) and it had no issues in it.
The install was almost identical to the install I had problems with, the
difference being that the problem install was created and touched by
later versions of Lucene.

I often (foolishly/bravely) work off the trunk for features I want, so
its entirely possible I have created my own pain, and point release
users may not be affected.

The win 2003 java version is 1.6.0_5

The AIX version I cannot check right now, but is 1.5 something (prob one
version before the one they released a week or 3 ago.

- Mark

On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 18:07 -0400, Michael McCandless wrote:

Which exact version of the JRE are you using?


Mark Miller wrote:
On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 17:26 -0400, Michael McCandless wrote:
Actually that stack trace looks like it's from trunk, not from 2.3.2
(pre)?  OK, I think you said it's from "post 2.3 trunk".
Right...the Lucene that showed the problem was build from a trunk grab
late last week. One of the problem indexes was built with a 2.0 or 2.1
and the other was built with a post 2.3 trunk (but weeks (prob months)
before the one i grabbed late last week :) )

Another question: is autoCommit false or true?

If I can get you an affected index I will.

- mark

More responses below:

Mark Miller wrote:
On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 16:32 -0400, Michael McCandless wrote:
Hi Mark,

Not good!

Can you describe how this index was created?  Did you use multiple
threads on one IndexWriter?  Multiple sessions of IndexWriter
appending to the index?  addIndexes*?  Is the index copied from one
place to another after being written and before being searched?
Both sites were created by a single thread on a single IndexWriter.
Updates are done through multiple threads and one IndexWriter. No
addIndexes. Index was never copied, always same path.

If you run CheckIndex, what does it report?
This was my next move...unfortunately, someone accidentally kicked
off a
complete reindex before I could do it. From what I can tell by the
trace, its a per doc problem...I am guessing I could have printed the
ids of the problem docs and just reindex those? I have to deal with
at many other sites, so that may be my attack...I cannot reindex
everything to fix.
It would be great to know if that workaround works (and indeed it's a
per-doc issue).  I'd also love to know how many docs are affected,
when you hit this.

If there's any way to zip up the index and send it to me, even just
the files for the one segment that has the corrupted doc, that'd be

Any prior exceptions on this index?
Not that I can recall. One of the indexes was made months ago, prob
a 2.0 or 2.1 Lucene, the second was made with a post 2.2 Lucene. One
site was windows 2003, the other AIX. One site was only 30,000
docs, the
other over 1 million.

Are your docs a variable schema (different fields)?
Yes. Lots of different fields depending on the doc.

Thanks Mike. I am currently trying to duplicate this. I can't go to
another site without testing some kind of fix.

Mark Miller wrote:
Yeah, its pretty close to 2.3.2, but I think from last week mabye.

I finally have one of the stack traces (this comes on the tail
laptop failure so I am scrambling here)

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 97, Size: 43
        at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(
        at org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos.fieldInfo
        at org.apache.lucene.index.FieldsReader.doc
        at org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentReader.document
        at org.apache.lucene.index.MultiSegmentReader.document

On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 14:48 -0500, crspan wrote:
coincidence or it is from 2.3.2 ?

lucene 2.3.2
jdk1.6.0_06 & jdk1.5.0_15

illeg^30.820824 technolog^22.290413 transfer^33.307804
Error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:
132704java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 132704

oceanograph^68.48028 vessel^43.191563
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOf Bo
at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
at org.apache.lucene.index.TermVectorsReader.get

Mark Miller wrote:
Any recent changes that would expose index corruption?

I am getting two new errors when trying to search:

nullpointer fieldsreaders line 260

indexoutofbounds on fieldinfo line 185

I am kind of screwed, because reindexing fixes this, but I cant

Any ideas?

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