
I don't think you need to remove the field and then add it again, but
I've no idea if that is relevant to your problem or not.

A full stack trace would be more help, and maybe an upgrade to 2.3.2,
and maybe a snippet of your code, and what is JCC?


On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Aditi Goyal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using IndexWriter for adding the documents. I am re-using the document
> as well as the fields for improving index speed as per the link
> http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/ImproveIndexingSpeed.
> So, for each doc, i am first removing field using doc.removeField() and then
> field.setValue() for changing the value of the field and finally
> doc.add(field) for adding the field to the document.
> It works fine on windows, however it throws  (<class 'lucene.JavaError'>,
> JavaError(<Throwable: java.lang.NullPointerException>,) when I run
> indexwriter.addDocument(doc) on Linux.
> Can anyone please guide why is it happening this way.
> I am using lucene 2.3.1 version and JCC version is 1.8 and Python is 2.5
> Thanks,
> Aditi

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