You might want to look at the TermPositionVector. For it to work I think the
TermVector themselves have to be stored with option  TermVector.YES


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 4:26 AM, Sven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have a term "foo" and I want to count all the occurrences of all the
> terms that are within 5 words of "foo" in all the documents which
> contain "foo".  For simplicity sake, this is only for a single field.
> So if I have 3 documents (each with a single field) that look like this:
> Once upon a time, foo lived far, far away in a magical kingdom.
> "The Life and Time of the Hero Called Foo" is, by far, the best novel
> about spam I have ever read.
> I theorize that over time, foo will gradually move far away from bar.
> I would like to generate a list of terms and hits based on their
> proximity to "foo" in all the documents.  So I'll end up with something
> like:
> far : 4
> time : 3
> away : 2
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks much!
> -Sven
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