
Can someone guide me please?

I have inherited a Lucene application and am attempting to update the API from 2.0 to 2.4. I note that the 2.4 CHANGELOG talks of opening an IndexReader with read-only=true to improve performance. Does anyone know how to do this? I have been combing my predecessor's fully working code, and cannot find /anywhere/ where an IndexReader is actually opened! He seems to do this sort of thing instead:

First he instantiates a DelayCloseIndexSearcher object, passing it a Directory object. (I think he got DelayCloseIndexSearcher off the net - according to the Javadoc, the author was Luc Vanlerberghe??). He then accesses the IndexReader like so:

       IndexReader reader = *searcher.getIndexReader()*;
       TermEnum te = reader.terms();

So does that mean if you don't explicitly open an IndexReader, the IndexSearcher will do it for you? Or what?


- Chris

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