Lucene is deployed at my Tomcat server, and when I send parallel calls from
my client to add, delete or update documents, some operations are
unsuccessful. The following exception is thrown:

org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException: Lock obtain timed out:

I understand what this means, and why this exception shows up. What I'm
interested in knowing is what I can do about it. Does lucene try to send the
query for some time, and then gives up? Is there a way to increase this
time? Currently, if I send 100 documents to be added from my client, around
60-80 of them are added and the rest aren't. If I can play with the time,
then perhaps I can achieve better performance.

Secondly, can I somehow stack up all the queries at the server so as to
ensure 100% success rate, no matter how fast the queries arrive? That would
be helpful.


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