I am doing a search on my index for a query like this:

query = "\"Term 1\" \"Term 2\" \"Term 3\""

Where I want to find Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 in the index.  However, I
only want to search for "Term 3" if I find "Term 1" and "Term 2" first, to
avoid doing processing on hits that only contain "Term 3".  To do this, I
was thinking of doing a search for "\"Term 1\" \"Term 2\"" and then if there
are hits for these terms, I would do another search for "Term 3" on these
resulting documents.  I am running a background search so I am not too
worried performance issues caused by searching twice.

Is there a way to search on subset of documents and then combining the hits
for the document?  For example, if Term 1 and Term 2 are found in Document1,
and Term3 is also later found in Document1, I want to be able to process the
hits on my highlighter as containing all three terms.

Sorry if it's confusing.


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