Thanks Ahmet. This answers my question.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:30 PM, AHMET ARSLAN <> wrote:

> > Given a term say "apache", I want to look up the lucene index
> > programmatically to find out its frequency in the corpus.
> I think you are asking collection frequency of a term. Term Frequency is
> defined between a document and a term which is printed in the loop in the
> following code. And at the end there is collection freq. which sum of tfs.
> String path = "E:\\ThesaurusSolrHome\\data\\index";
>        String field = "contents";
>        Term term = new Term(field, "apache");
>        IndexReader indexReader =;
>        TermDocs termDocs = indexReader.termDocs(term);
>        int collectionFreq = 0;
>        while ( {
>            System.out.print("Document " + termDocs.doc() + " contains the
> term " + term.text() + " ");
>            System.out.println(termDocs.freq() + " times");
>            collectionFreq += termDocs.freq();
>        }
>        indexReader.close();
>        System.out.println("Collection frequency of " + term.text() + " = "
> + collectionFreq);
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