Phil Whelan wrote:
Hi Jim,

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Phil Whelan<> wrote:
So then, I reviewed the index using Luke, and what I saw with that was that there were indeed only 12 
"path" terms (under "Term Count" on the left), but, when I clicked the "Show Top 
Terms" in Luke, there were 13 terms listed by Luke.
Yes, I just checked this and this seems to be a bug with Luke. It
always shows 1 less than in "Term Count" than it should. Well spotted.

I was able to see why this way happening in the Luke source and I've
submitted the following patch to Andrzej, the author of Luke.

Thank you Phil for spotting this bug - this fix will be included in the next release of Luke.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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