
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Andrzej Bialecki <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm happy to announce the new release of Luke - the Lucene Index Toolbox.
> Binaries and sources are available for download at the usual place:
> I decided to at least partially synchronize the release numbers with Lucene
> release numbers. Next version of Luke, which will include Lucene 3.0, will
> become a 1.0 release! :)
> Changes in v. 0.9.9:
> ====================
> This release upgrades to Lucene 2.9.0 jars.
> New features and improvements:
> ------------------------------
> * Luke can now open multiple indexes found in subdirectories one level
> below the selected directory.
> * Added Hadoop Plugin for working with indexes on Hadoop file systems. This
> uses Hadoop 0.19.2 and dependencies released with this release of Hadoop.
> The plugin uses partial local caching to speed up some operations.
> * Term counts and percentages are calculated in a background thread, so the
> opening of large indexes should be a little faster. Also, this operation is
> skipped for indexes accessed over slow IO (such as HDFS).
> * Added More Like This query builder from current document (or its selected
> fields).
> * Search time is now monitored using System.nanoTime, and the last search
> time is preserved in the UI.
> * Search can be now repeated N times to get a better estimate of average
> search time. Note: the measured time involves only the search(), not the
> retrieval of documents.
> * AnalyzerTool plugin now uses and illustrates the new token Attribute API.
> * Nearly all uses of deprecated Lucene API are replaced with the new API.
> Bug fixes:
> ----------
> * Fix a counter-intuitive behavior where in the Open dialog Luke chops off
> the last path element from previously used index path.
> * Fix XMLExporter entity escaping, and add a missing quote in term vector
> size.
> * Fix a long-standing Thinlet bug related to tabbedpane with many tabs -
> now tabs don't "overflow" the tabbedpane area thus corrupting the display of
> surrounding components.
> I'd like to thank people who reported problems and suggested improvements:
> Craig Stires, Phil Whelan, Andrea Habringer, Benjamin Beckmann, George
> Herson, Daniel Noll, Mike McCandless, Chris Pimlott and others.
> Enjoy! :)
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrzej Bialecki     <><
>  ___. ___ ___ ___ _ _   __________________________________
> [__ || __|__/|__||\/|  Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
> ___|||__||  \|  ||  |  Embedded Unix, System Integration
>  Contact: info at sigram dot com
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