
It sounds like you're on the right track. Have you looked at
Solr which uses the rsync/Java replication method you mentioned?
Replication and near realtime in Solr aren't quite there yet,
however it wouldn't be too hard to add it.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Chris Were <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using lucene for a project and it works great on the one dev.
> machine. Next step is to investigate the best method of deploying lucene so
> that multiple web servers can access the lucene directory of indexes.
> I see four potential options:
> 1) Each web server indexes the content separately. This will potentially
> cause different web servers to have slightly different indexes at any given
> time and also duplicates the work load of indexing the content
> 2) Using rsync (or a similar tool) to regularly update a local lucene index
> directory on each web server. I imagine there will be locking issues that
> need to be resolved here.
> 3) Using a network file system that all the web servers can access. I don't
> have much experience in this area, but potentially latency on searches will
> be high?
> 4) Some alternative lucene specific solution that I haven't found in the
> wiki / lucene documentation.
> The indexes aim to be as real-time as possible, I currently update my
> IndexReaders in a background thread every 20 seconds.
> Does anyone have any recommendations on the best approach?
> Cheers,
> Chris

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