On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 07:51:44PM +0200, Karl Wettin wrote:
> 6 okt 2009 kl. 18.54 skrev David Causse:
> David, your timing couldn't be better. Just the other day I proposed  
> that we deprecate InstantiatedIndexWriter. The sum of the reasons to  
> this is that I'm a bit lazy. Your mail makes me reconsider.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1948

Well, so you intended to make InstantiatedIndex impossible to use from
scratch. What is very nice with the current implementation is that it
conform to the "normal" lucene usage : index with IW and query with IR.
It make it very easy to adopt your implementation with legacy
If it is immutable it's like String, I have to deal with
StringBuffer/StringBuilder, that's nice in some ways but it has some
drawbacks, it's maybe why all efficient internal analysis API in lucene
permits the use of char[].

So in the lucene world with II, RAMDirectory will be my StringBuilder,
so I'll have to wrap InstantiatedIndex to use a RAMDirectory as a
buffer. Like this :

private IndexWriter buffer;
private readerIsValid = false;
private InstanciatedIndexReader reader;

public IIWrapper(Analyzer a) {
        buffer = new IndexWriter(new RAMDirectory(), a, 

public void /* writeLock */ addDocument(Document doc) {
        readerIsValid = false;

public IndexReader /* readLock */ getReader() {
        if(!readerIsValid) {
                /* writeLock */
                reader = new 
                readerIsvalid = true;
        return reader;

So I'll have best indexation time but the first query will suffer the
IIR creation. It is maybe better than use IIW. But IMHO (as a user point
of view) it's very convenient to have the choice of multiple store in
lucene, and it's pretty cool to use them in the same way. If you take a look
at MemoryIndex, description is very attractive but it's too far (again
IMHO) from the lucene API.

> > On the index time InstantiatedIndex is behind RAMDirectory, but the  
> > time
> Would you mind benchmarking some for me using your corpora? The issue  
> suggests that people use the InstantiatedIndex(IndexReader) constructor 
> to create the index rather than using InstantiatedIndexWriter. Is it way 
> slower for you to produce the index using RAMDirectory/IndexWriter and 
> pass an IndexReader to InstantiatedIndex?
> This is what the package level javadocs says about  
> InstantiatedIndexWriter:
> "Hardly any effort has been put in to optimizing the  
> InstantiatedIndexWriter, only minimizing the amount of time needed to  
> write-lock the index has been considered."
> I'm sure there are ways to speed it up, I just never managed to find the 
> time to look in to it. I never really used IIW.

We've processed huge number of documents and didn't see any problems.
But we don't use all the possibilities lucene stores have to offer.

> It might be worth mentioning that when InstantiatedIndex#commit returns 
> it has yeilded an optimized "single segment" index. This is not quite how 
> a Directory/IndexWriter acts.

When I have some times I'll try to bench our system without IIW.

> > gained over queries make it better (for what I see it can be 2 times
> > faster).
> >
> > InstantiatedIndex will be our default volatile mini index store for  
> > our
> > next production release.
> Very cool!!
> > Whe should have other needs of this index but the lack of addIndexes
> > support make it impossible for us to use it in other situations. So we
> > continue to use RAMDirectory in such situations.
> Have you considered using multiple InstantiatedIndex and a MultiReader? 
> That would pretty much be the same thing, just that the store wouldn't be 
> quite as optimized. It would definitly use more RAM than if it was the 
> same index. You could of course also pass this MultiReader to a new 
> InstantiatedIndex. I have no real clue about the difference in speed and 
> RAM consuption between these solutions so you should benchmark all 
> solutions.

Well, in fact with 2.9 there is awesome number of solutions for us.  We
might try the new getReader() on IW, we didn't use MultiReader but it
seems to be a very convenient solution also. I have to take time to think
about it.

Just a side note for other users who may think about using
InstantiadedIndex, we've seen that our process that use II can be as I
said 2 times faster. You have to consider that it is exactly if I said,
"Hey I switched from MySQL to PostgreSQL and my app is 2 times faster". 

> > Do you think we could reach RAMDirectory index time by tweaking some  
> > initialCap
> > stuff inside java.util.Collections you use?
> Maybe. But I think it would be a relatively small gain. But don't take  
> my words for granted, benchmark it.
> Using the InstantiatedIndex(IndexReader) constructor will create rather 
> optimal size of the collections.
> As for InstantiatedIndexWriter I think it's pretty much only the  
> transient collections in #commit that will help you, my guess is that  
> you should expemient with the dirtyTerms and termsByText attributes.  
> Count the number of terms in your complete index and see how much it  
> speeds thing up by creating the collections with this size from the  
> start.

Well I had a quick look to IIW and your collections size are already near our

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David Causse

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