Thanks Jake! I will test this out and report back soon in case it's helpful
to others. Definitely appreciate the help.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Jake Mannix <> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 3:07 PM, scott w <> wrote:
> > Example Document:
> > model_1_score = 0.9
> > model_2_score = 0.3
> > model_3_score = 0.7
> >
> > I want to be able to pass in the following map at query time:
> > {model_1_score=0.4, model_2_score=0.7} and have that map get used as
> input
> > to a custom score function that would look like: 0.9*0.4 + 0.3*0.7, so
> that
> > it is summing over the specified fields and multipling the indexed weight
> > by
> > the query time weight.
> >
> Ok, now I think I get it.  You do have some index-time floats, and
> query-time
> boosts.
> You should be able to do a normal BooleanQuery with three OR'ed together
> ValueSourceQueries boosted by input weights, it seems, as that is the way
> they work - they take the values in different fields and use them as the
> score,
> and the normal boosting technique will use query time weigting.
> To get good performance with a ValueSourceQuery, I'd suggest using a
> FieldCacheSource for speedier processing:
> -----------
>  String field = "model_1_score";
>  float runTimeBoost = 0.5;
>  ValueSource model1Source = new FloatFieldSource(field,
>    new FieldCache.FloatParser() {
>      public float parseFloat(String s) { return Float.parseFloat(s); }
>    });
>  Query model1Q = new ValueSourceQuery(model1Source);
>  model1Q.setBoost(runTimeBoost);
> // do this for model2 and model3 as well...
>  BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();
>  bq.add(model1Q, Occur.SHOULD);
>  bq.add(model2Q, Occur.SHOULD);
>  bq.add(model3Q, Occur.SHOULD);
> ---------------
>  I haven't tried this code, but it seems like this is what you are trying
> to do...
>  -jake

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