Hi Steve,

Why can't you use a different field for each of the Level_X's, i.e. 
MyLevel1Field, MyLevel2Field, MyLevel3Field?

Well, the hierarchical structure needs to be maintained. As hundreds of Level_X entities can be found on levels 2 and 3, I need to be able to tell for instance which Level_3 entities belong to which common Level_2 entity. Throwing all Level_3 entities in a field of their own would remove this information, as far as I can see.

I was also thinking about adding Payloads at some point, but the main caveat here is that the Payload data cannot be tested for equality at search time. E.g. if I have a term T1 and add a payload that states this term belongs to Level_3:200;Level_2:65;Level_1:44 and I have a term T2 with Level_3:200;Level_2:66;Level_1:44 I cannot state at search time that I would like the number for Level_2 entities to be the same. I could say Level_2 has to be 65, but I don't now that beforehand of course. Or am I overlooking something here?

On 03/15/2010 at 9:59 AM, Rene Hackl-Sommer wrote:
Search in MyField: Terms T1 and T2 on Level_2 and T3,
T4, and T5 on  Level_3, which should both be in the
same Level_1.
I don't understand what you mean by "which should both be in the same Level_1". 
 Can you give more details?

I guess my initial pseudo-XML construct might have been misleading, my apologies. To be more precise, it is like this:

<!ELEMENT MyField (Level_1+) >
<!ELEMENT Level_1 (Level_2+) >
<!ELEMENT Level_2 (Level_3+) >
<!ELEMENT Level_3 (Terms+) >

What I am adding to Lucene is a single Field MyField. I preprocess the input string so that it looks like "Term1 Term2 endOfLevel_3 Term3 Term4 endOfLevel_3 Term4 Term5 endOfLevel_3 endOfLevel_2 Term8 Term9 endOfLevel_3 ...". Note the appearance of Level_2.

I use a custom Filter to switch the position increment as needed and as indicated by the marker tokens. The marker tokens themselves don't get indexed.


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