Below is the official announcement for our exciting upcoming webinar. This one is near and dear to my heart, so I'll be eagerly listening too, and participating with my experiences as it fits with the flow of the webinar.

I'm a card-carrying library geek, and I've had the pleasure of working alongside Bess Sadler at the University of Virginia as we began the Blacklight[1] project. Now at Stanford, she and Naomi Dushay continue to shine Solr on collections of various types. And Tom Burton-West and the Hathi Trust project have put Lucene and Solr through some very heavy challenges, breaking Lucene's limits even! (and ultimately working to alleviate them). The scale of Tom's project is massive in scale and importance, with OCR challenges in various languages. I've been blessed to know all three of these folks personally thanks to the code4lib community in which I continue to participate.

[1] - a vibrant open source project using Ruby on Rails as an elegant and flexible discovery front-end for Solr.


Forget the dust jackets and Aunt Shirley in 'Reference': libraries today are on the screaming edge of Lucene/Solr implementations. Solr applications for library data offer practical, general purpose solutions to some of the knottiest search problems: daunting indexes, metadata whipped into shape, deep field faceting, data types a mile wide, phrase queries that will make your head spin, unforgiving relevancy for the masses, even OCR. Join Stanford's Bess Sadler and Naomi Dushay, plus Tom Burton-West of the Hathi Trust Project, for a walking tour of how Solr can tame the wildest of search challenges, including:

        • Strategies for dealing with non-normalized data
        • Leveraging field data and user experience for improved relevancy
        • Tackling big and unexpected phrase queries

Join us for a free webinar
Thursday, April 29, 2010
11:00 AM PDT / 2:00 PM EDT
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