> you want what Lucene already does, but that's clearly not true

Hmmm, let's pretend that "contents" field in my example wasn't analyzed at 
time. The unstemmed form of terms will be indexed. But if I query with a 
form or use QueryParser with the SnowballAnalyzer, I'm not going to get a 
I could fix this situation by analyzing the indexed field at search time to 
match the query. I don't know that Lucene provides this opportunity and, as I 
said, maybe that's crazy.

> What do you mean when you say "rewriting"

"Our current path to solving our problem requires additional fields which  need 
rewritten". I meant actually altering the document in the index. My desire has 
been to write a new Query class implementation whereas you mentioned query 
rewriting (isn't that accomplished as in my example by passing an Analyzer to 

> not discrete...  limited number of prefixes

So my document may have "myfield:A*foo*", "myfield:B*foo*", "myfield:A*dog*", 
and "myfield:D*cat*".

Or, to phrase differently, "myfield:[PREFIX][PATTERN]" may appear any number of 
times where PREFIX comes from the set { A, B, C, D, E, ... }.

This complexity is really a tangent of my question in order to avoid poor 
performance from WildcardQuery.

----- Original Message ----
From: Steven A Rowe <sar...@syr.edu>
To: "java-user@lucene.apache.org" <java-user@lucene.apache.org>
Sent: Fri, July 30, 2010 1:26:07 PM
Subject: RE: InverseWildcardQuery

Hi Justin,

> > an example
> PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzers =
>     new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(new KeywordAnalyzer());
> // myfield defaults to KeywordAnalyzer
> analyzers.addAnalyzer("content", new SnowballAnalyzer(luceneVersion, 
> // analyzers affects the indexed field value
> IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, analyzers, true, mfl);
> // analyzers affects the parsed query string
> QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(luceneVersion, "myfield", analyzers);
> parser.setAllowLeadingWildcard(true);
> Query query = parser.parse("*:* AND -myfield:\"*foo*\"");
> // What about an Analyzer to match field value to the query at search time?
> ScoreDoc[] docs = searcher.search(query, null, 1000).scoreDocs;

I'm afraid that this "example" doesn't help me - my reading of "What about an 
Analyzer to match field value to the query at search time?" is that you want 
what Lucene already does, but that's clearly not true. 

> > An inverse query would require rewriting, too, I think.
> Why would implementing a new Query class requires document changes in the
> index.

Query rewriting is what I meant (and what I thought you meant).  What do you 
mean when you say "rewriting" - how would it affect indexed documents?

> > Can you turn those prefixes into field names
> No, the prefixes are not discrete. Multiple field values could start with
> the same prefix.

Hmm, again with the misunderstanding on my part - how is it that "prefixes are 
not discrete" and also "there are a limited number of prefixes ... (10ish)"?  
And why is it important that multiple field values could start with the same 
prefix?  Why couldn't you just store all of those that share the same prefix in 
the field corresponding to the prefix?



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