Dear All,

 I have two documents. The analyzed and the tokenized contents are mentioned

 *Document 1 :*

 *when*, null_1, *my*, null_1, money,

fund, amount, payment, creditcard, credit,

card, *bank, account*, debit, deduct,

*charge*, null_1, my, mobile, usage,

*service*, connection

 *Document 2:*

 *when*, what, time, what, day,

null_1, money, fund, cash, payment,

null_1, i, do, you, i,

null_1, deduct, *charge*, reduce, debit,

from, *my*, *bank, account*, credit,

card, null_1, *adsl*, adsl1, adsl-2,

adsl-1, adsl2, adsl, 1, adsl,

2, usage, connection, *service*

 Then, I searched for the following text.

 *Query:* when my bank account charge adsl service


Document 1 = 0.74406385

Document 2 = Score = 0.66067594

 I was expecting to have Document 2 as the top ranked document. But I get
Document 1 as the top ranked even it does not contains  the term “adsl”.

 The word order of the Document 1 matches with the query very well. Can it
be the reason ?

If it is, how can I neglect the word order when searching. (I am not using
phase queries).

My searching code look like below and it is very simple.

 *QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_30, *

*"pattern", *

*new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_30)); *

* query1 =
parser.parse(this.query.getQuestion()); *

*TopDocs hits =, 10); *

 Please advice



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