Hi all,

in our Lucene 3.0.3-based web application when a user clicks on a hit link the targeted PDF should be opened in the browser with highlighted hits.

For this purpose using the Acrobat Highlight File (Parameter xml, see http://www.pdfbox.org/userguide/highlighting.html and http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/pdf/HighlightFileFormat.pdf) seems most reasonable to me.

Since the position to highlight are given by (page and) character offsets and Lucene uses offsets as well I think it could be easy (for more Lucene-skilled people than me) to create an Highlighter which produces this highlight file.

Does such a Highlighter already exists in the Lucene World?

If not could someone please point me the direction (e.g. where to hook into the existing (fast vector?) highlighter just to extract the offsets).

BTW: Luke gyve me the impression that Term Vectors are only stored when the field content is sored as well. Is that true?


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