Hi Renaud,

On 5/20/2011 at 1:58 PM, Renaud Delbru wrote:
> As said in 
> <http://lucidworks.lucidimagination.com/display/LWEUG/Boolean+Operators>, 
> "if one or more of the terms in a term list has an explicit term operator
> (+ or - or relational operator) the rest of the terms will be treated as 
> "nice to have.

I am not familiar with Lucid's offerings, so I can't comment on the 
documentation you quoted.  Note, however, that LucidWorks and Lucene are 
different products.

> I would have expected that the default AND operator applies whenever no
> other operators are precised in the query.
> For exmaple
>      cat +dog -fox
> Selects documents which must contain "dog" and must not contain "fox".
> Documents will rank higher if "cat" is present, but it is not required."
> I would have expected such behaviour, whatever "Default Operator" as
> been defined.
> But it seems that I need to use the Default Operator OR to have this
> behaviour, which breaks our current requirement (we want default
> operator AND if no operators are precised in the query).

Restating: you want default AND behavior when the query contains no operators, 
and default OR behavior when the query *does* contain operators.

This is not supported by the Lucene QueryParser.

> IS there anyway to achieve this ? Or do I need to extend myself the
> queryparser contrib ?

A workaround may be to simply look for "+" and "-" in the query under one of 
the following conditions: preceded either by "(" or " ", or at the beginning of 
the string, e.g. using a regex like /(?:^|[\s(])[+-]/, and if you find a match, 
use default OR operator, and if not, use default AND operator?


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