Are you sure that it isn't working?  If you use the same analyzer at
both indexing and query time you should end up with consistent

Read up on exactly what your analyzer is doing by looking at the javadocs.

Google will find you lots of info on analysis, or get hold of a copy
of Lucene In Action 2nd edition to learn all about lucene.  And use
Luke to see what is being indexed.


On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Yogesh Dabhi <> wrote:
> I have some bellow value in lucene index field
> 1#abcd
> 2#test wer
> 3# testing rty
> I wright the query like bellow
> +fieldname:1#
> After  query parser I see query string become
> +fieldname:1
> is there a way to search given string
> Thanks & Regards
> Yogesh

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