Thank you for the reply, if you need more info to understand the question,
I'll try to be as prompt as possible.

> -if i search on last week's index and the individual index (this needs to
> opened at search request!?) will it be faster than using a single huge
> for all groups, for all weeks?

Searches will be made on only one group at a time(disjoint groups of
documents). So for very large groups, the old documents will have they're
own index. I'm hopping that this shortens the work load on a search by not
having to skip other groups while searching for large quantities of old
documents.  In other words, I won't be needing a filter for the group needed
to be searched, this being the filter with most hits.

  Storing all docs from search results on a
> massive index doesn't sound a very clever idea.
> It's a necessary step because i need to group results by they're date, so
I'm only storing doc-id's and retrieving they're date field.

> > I understood that Tweeter submitted their code on realTime architecture
> to
> > lucene, can i get my hands on that ?
> No idea.
> "... we’re planning on contributing all these changes back to Lucene; some
of which have already made it into Lucene’s trunk and its new realtime
branch." Read 

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