
The problem I would like to solve is determining the lucene score of a word in 
_a particular_ given document. The 2 candidates i have been trying are

- QueryWrapperFilter
- BooleanQuery

Both are to restrict search within a search space. But according to Doug 
Cutting  QueryWrapperFilter option is less preferable than Boolean Query. 
However, I am experiencing both performance (very slow) and response problems 
(query is not matched to any doc). 

The setup is as follows. Given a user query "word":

QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_32, "content",new 
Query query = parser.parse(word);
Document d = WikiIndexSearcher.doc(match.doc);
docTitle = d.get("title");
TermQuery titleQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("title", docTitle));
BooleanQuery bQuery = new BooleanQuery();
bQuery.add(titleQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
bQuery.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
TopDocs hits = WikiIndexSearcher.search(bQuery, 1);

In other words, find a wikipedia doc with a particular title (in example below 
it is "list of newspapers in New York 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_newspapers_in_New_York";). We then create a 
boolean term query with that must match on the title and content must match the 
user query ('american' in the example below). 

Here is the output of a run on user query "american" in a doc with title "list 
of newspapers in New York").

... QUERY: content:american
... doc: List of newspapers in New York
... query: +title:List of newspapers in New York +content:american
... explanation 568744: 0.0 = (NON-MATCH) Failure to meet condition(s) of 
required/prohibited clause(s)
  0.0 = no match on required clause (title:List of newspapers in New York)
  0.011818626 = (MATCH) weight(content:american in 212081), product of:
    0.15625292 = queryWeight(content:american), product of:
      2.4204094 = idf(docFreq=392249, maxDocs=1623450)
      0.0645564 = queryNorm
    0.075637795 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(content:american in 212081), product of:
      1.0 = tf(termFreq(content:american)=1)
      2.4204094 = idf(docFreq=392249, maxDocs=1623450)
      0.03125 = fieldNorm(field=content, doc=212081)

As you can see there is no match to the query (and hits.totalcounts is 0). The 
search is very slow too. 

Any help would be much appreciated

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