Hello all,

Now, I find there is a "org.apache.lucene.search.join" function in Lucene
3.4 version.
But I found no demo for "join" function in the source code package:

Now I have some articles, which could be modified by editors, like this
 an article : modify records = 1:n.

Document of article: contain the text of this article.
Document of records: article_id, name of editor, date_time(when modify it).
Search condition would be: keywords(search article),name of editor, range of
time(start_time, end_time),
that will find the articles in some particular time which had been modified
by someone.

E.g: condition = during '2011-09-23' to '2011-10-19', editor: 'Alan',
keyword: 'duck'.
The results will found all articles contain 'duck', and edited by 'Alan'
between '2011-09-23' and '2011-10-19'.
My question is, could "org.apache.lucene.search.join" solve this case?
If possible, thanks for providing some example or clue.

Thanks for your time.

Mead Lai

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