Hello everyone,

I need to write a Lucene-based search and retrieval app for Android. 
Unfortunately, I am new to both Android development and Lucene, so I am going 
up two learning curves at the same time.

My app needs to do the following:
1. I have a collection of docs that I index
2. I have a set of queries I run against the docs/index
3. I need to find all "good" docs where at least one of the queries occurs.
4. I also need to find where in each of the good docs a hit occurs, i.e. I need 
to "highlight" all the occurring queries in each of the docs. So maybe I need 
to compute pairs of pointers with each pair showing where a hit starts and 
ends, or something similar.

I will be using Lucene 3.4.0. It also looks like for #4 I will need to use 
highlighting capabilities.

My main question is whether I should expect any performance problems at any of 
the indexing/searching/highlighting steps? Can I use the lucene and 
highlighting jars (lucene-core-3.4.0.jar and lucene-highlighter-3.4.0.jar) "out 
of the box"?

Also, is there any sample code that would show how Lucene components should be 
invoked on Android?

Thank you,

Ilya Zavorin

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