Thanks, that's a very nice feature.
Would it also enable joining on the docId level, meaning that part of a 
document is kept in some index and another part of the same document is kept in 
another index ?
In the example that was given in the articles & comments link, that could be 
for instance:
articles index:
- docId=1: "(1) this (2) paper (3) is (4) about (5) lucene". (numbers are 
positions in the doc).
comments index:
- docId=1: "(3) very (4) recommended".
So that one would be able to know that the comment "very recommended" was 
written next to the word "paper".
(Conceptually the query could be: articles.paper NEAR comments."very 
Is this also part of the feature ?

From: Francisco A. Lozano <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: Join between indexes

Wow, thanks for pointing this out, didn't know such a feature was in progress.

I see a mention that there are some chances this will be released in
3.6... crossing my fingers :)

Francisco A. Lozano

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 17:09, Simon Willnauer
<> wrote:
> maybe this link will help:
> simon
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Arnon Mazza <> wrote:
>> Assume we have a Lucene index over which several types of analyses are 
>> performed.
>> Assume that the conclusions of some analysis require that new tokens be 
>> added to existing documents in the index.
>> For example, a repeating pattern p (sequence of words) that appears in a 
>> large part of the documents should be tagged in every document in its exact 
>> position.
>> Now it is required to execute proximity queries involving standard terms and 
>> also the pattern p (e.g. find all documents in which the word "hello" is 
>> adjacent to the pattern p).
>> Is there a way of achieving this without re-indexing all the documents where 
>> the pattern p was found ?
>> In other words, is it possible to maintain a separate index that would keep 
>> only patterns->docIds/positions, and then join between the two indexes ?
>> If not, is there a plan to support this in the future ?
>> Thanks,
>> Arnon.
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