Hmm - I looked at Spans more carefully, and it appears as if your idea about a "fake" Query (some kind of SpanAllQuery would be called for) would work well, and would probably be much simpler to implement. It wouldn't preclude the kind of optimization I was talking about either, but I don't know if it would be worth the trouble.

It turns out in my very specific case I have a term that appears in every document in a particular field, so I am just using a search for that at the moment.


On 5/6/2012 8:04 PM, Mike Sokolov wrote:
I think what I have in mind would be purely an artifact of the parser; a term that would always be optimized away, either vanishing or gobbling up the whole query. So if you had n(A,*), you would just get "A". If you had and(A, not(*)) (is that the surround syntax for not?) you would get nothing, if you had * you would get all the documents. Maybe this could be done without having to actually generate a query internally, but could happen during parsing. It's kind of a weird case, but I am trying to translate from one query language to another, and it would be convenient to have this as an option.


On 5/6/2012 7:28 PM, Robert Muir wrote:
Hi Mike: wheres for the normal queryparser this Query doesn't consult
the positions file and is trivial, how would such a query be
implemented for the surround parser? As a single span that matches all
positions for the whole document? Maybe it could be a "fake span" for
each document of 0 ... Integer.MAX_VALUE?

I think it would be nice to have as long as its not going to be too

On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Mike Sokolov<> wrote:
does anybody know how to express a MatchAllDocsQuery in surround query
parser language?  I've tried



but those don't parse. I looked at the grammar and I don't think there is a
way.  Please let us all know if you know otherwise!


-Mike Sokolov

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