something wrong when writing in my android client.
if RAMDirectory do not help, i think the bottleneck is cpu. you may try to
tune jvm but i do not expect much improvement.
the best one is splitting your index into 2 or more smaller ones.
you can then use solr s distributed searching.
if the cpu is not fully used, yuo can do this in one physical machine

在 2012-5-22 上午8:50,"Li Li" <>写道:
> 在 2012-5-22 凌晨4:59,"Yang" <>写道:
> >
> > I'm trying to make my search faster. right now a query like
> >
> > name:Joe Moe Pizza   address:77 main street  city:San Francisco
> >is this a conjunction query or a disjunction query?
> > in a index with 20mil such short business descriptions (total size
about 3GB) takes about 100--200ms.
> >20m is not a small size, how many results for a query in average?
> > I profiled the query, most time is spent in TermScorer.score(), as is
shown by the attached yourkit screenshot.
> >that's true, for a query, matching and scoring is very time consuming
and cpu intensive. another one is io for reading postings.
> >
> >
> >
> > I tried loading the index onto tmpfs (in-memory block device), and also
tried RAMDirectory, neither helps much.
> >if that is true. it seems that io is not the
> > I am reading
> > it mentions
> > Size
> > – Stopword removal
> > – Stemming
> > • Lucene has a number of stemmers available
> > • Light versus Aggressive
> > • May prevent fine-grained matches in some cases
> > – Not a linear factor (usually) due to index compression
> >
> > so for "stopword removal", I'm already using the standard analyzer, so
stop word removal is already included, right?
> >
> > also generally any other tricks to try for reducing the search latency?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Yang
> >
> >
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