Erick's estimate is right in line with the chatter I have heard. There is some talk of a Beta release in August, but there is some concern that too many people are on vacation in August to get much feedback.

My guess is for a Beta no later than the middle of September and a release a month later. It seems reasonable to expect the 4.0 release by mid-October. I'd be surprised if the release slipped beyond November.

FWIW, I haven't seen any "the index format has changed; you must re-index" messages in at least a few weeks, so at least some level of stability has already been achieved.

The SolrCloud stuff seems to still be in a state of flux (from the issue traffic I have seen), so I'm not sure if that is ready enough for imminent release, although it may be getting close.

I am disturbed with the large number of frequent Jenkins test failures. I feel a little uncomfortable recommending use of code whose test system fails so frequently. We need some stability there, although it may be at least semi-reasonable to discount those test failures as the need for improving a complex test system rather than a judgment about the quality of the underlying Lucene/Solr code.

The bottom line is that Lucene/Solr 4.0 GA in the fall (before December) is a reasonable expectation, based on the code's current trajectory.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Erick Erickson
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: Lucene 4.0 GA time frame

My guess is in the September/October time frame. Things are actually
moving along pretty quickly, and there's considerable sentiment to get
it out the door...


On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:11 PM, Vitaly Funstein <> wrote:
Given that the Alpha is out, are there any more or less definitive
guidelines on when 4.0 will be officially released? Hopefully, someone
probably has a ballpark estimate on this, give or take a few months? We are
trying to get an idea so the 4.0 migration effort could be better aligned
with its release. Thank you.

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