I am trying to (mis)use Lucene a bit like a NoSQL database or, rather, a persistent map. I am entering 38000 documents at a rate of 1000/s to the index. Because each item add may be actually an update, I have a sequence of read/change/write for each of the documents.

All goes well until when just after writing the last item, I run a query that retrieves about 16000 documents. All docids are collected in a Collector, and, yes, I make sure to rebase the docIds. Then I iterate over all docIds found and retrieve the documents basically like this:

  for(int docId : docIds) {
    Document d = getSearcher().doc(docId);

where getSearcher() uses IndexReader.openIfChanged() to always get the most current searcher and makes sure to eventually close the old searcher.

At document 15940 I get an exception like this:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: docID must be >= 0 and < maxDoc=1 (got docID=1)
at org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader.document(DirectoryReader.java:568)
        at org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher.doc(IndexSearcher.java:264)

I can get rid of the Exception by one of two ways that I both don't like:

1) Put a Thread.sleep(1000) just before running the query+document retrieval part.

2) Use the same IndexSearcher to retrieve all documents instead of calling getSearcher for each document retrieval.

This is just a test single threaded test program. I only see Lucene Merge threads in jvisualvm besides the main thread. A breakpoint on the exception shows that org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader.document does seem to have wrong segments, which triggers the Exception.

Since Lucene 3.6.1 is in productive use for some time I doubt it is a bug in Lucene, but I don't see what I am doing wrong. It might be connected to trying to get the freshest IndexReader for retrieving documents.

Any better ideas or explanations?


Harald Kirsch

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