unsuscribe me pls

Noopur Julka

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Kasun Perera <kas...@opensource.lk> wrote:

> I have a web java/jsp application running on Apache Tomcat server. In this
> web application I have used lucene, to index and calculate similrarity
> between some PDF documents(PDF documents are in the database). My live
> server dosent allow web-app to access files, so I have created the
> in-memory lucene index using RAMDirectory class.
> In the current way that I have coded in my application, when for each time
> user access the lucene involved functionality, it creates a new in-memory
> index.
> Is there any way to create the in-memory index at the webapp deployment
> time, so that in-memory index will be created only once and I can access
> in-memory index as long as web app is live?
> --
> Regards
> Kasun Perera

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