Could you provide a more concrete definition of what you mean by "absolute scoring"? I mean, you can implement your own scoring or "similarity", so what exact criteria are you proposing?

Try providing a concise example of a couple of documents and a couple of searches and how your propose to score them.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Paul Taylor
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:11 AM
Subject: Is there anything in Lucene 4.0 that provides 'absolute' scoring so that i can compare the scoring results of different searches ?

Is there anything in Lucene 4.0 that provides 'absolute' scoring so that
i can compare the scoring results of different searches ?

To explain if I do a search for two values fred OR jane and there is a
document that contains both those words exaclty then that document will
score 100, documents that contain only one word will score less. But if
there is no document contain both words but there is one document that
contains fred then that document will score 100 even though it didnt
match jane at all. (Im clearly ignoring all the complexties but you get
my gist)

So all documents returned from a search are scored relative to each
other, but I cannot perform a second score and sensibly compare the
score of the first search with the second whihc is what I would like to do.

Why would I want to this ?

In a music database  have an index of releases and a separate indexes of
artists, usually the user just searches artists or releases. But
sometimes they want to search all and interleave the results from the
two indexes, but its not sensible for me to interleave them based on
their score at the moment.

thanks Paul

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