Dear all,

          We recently migrated from lucene 2.3.1 to lucene 4.1. We have a
custom facet implementation, which has also been migrated. We resorted to
stay with the same facet approach instead of moving to the taxonomy index
style faceting.

          But the problem is that, whenever we do a continuous/deep drill
down with the faceting module, we get a too many files open exception. This
does not happen when searching multiple times through the same index.

          One suspect is that we had a TernEnum.close() in the earlier
versions, whereas we don't have a TermsEnum.close() in the current version.
Is it the TermsEnum and/or DocsEnum that is occupying namespaces? Is there
a way to close the same? Please help. TIA.

With Thanks and Regards,
Ramprakash Ramamoorthy,
Chennai, India

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