
I have indexed a database table which has about 70 columns out of which 60 
columns have been indexed and the rest have been stored. There are 70 million 
records in this table. This is a static table and hence I plan to index them at 
once and then perform the search on these indices.

I performed a brief comparison between the usually discussed 2 options:

-          Concatenate all the fields separated by a space and then search my 
keyword in this single field.

-          Store the 60 columns in 60 separate fields while indexing and then 
use MultiFieldQueryParser to search the single keyword in all the 60 fields.

I noticed that the performance was significantly better in option 1. Hence I 
continued with it. Please let me know if you still think this is not an 
efficient approach.

Question 2:

Among the 60 columns, one column is a date field and I need to perform a 
date-range filter while searching for a keyword. I read that date-range filter 
can be performed as below in the documentation.

mod_date:[20020101 TO 20030101]

I presume mod_date is the name of one of the fields stored in the indexes. Do I 
have to use MultiFieldQueryParser to be able to perform date-range filter or is 
there a way to perform date-range and string search using the QueryParser?

Right now, to search a word "important", I search it against one field (which 
is a list of concatenated columns). Do you think I can do that as well as 
filter records by the date column?



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