and != AND?

It works for or rather than OR because that is the default.  If you
had a doc with id="or" you'd find that too, I think.

It looks odd to be escaping the value when you are storing it.  That
may not be necessary, but if it's what you want, fine.


On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:55 PM, Maksym Krasovskiy <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have documents with two fields id and name. I create index with code:
> Document doc = new Document();
> doc.add(new TextField("id", id), Store.YES));
> doc.add(new TextField("name", QueryParser.escape(name), Store.YES));
> indexWriter.addDocument(doc);
> When I try to search with query with code:
> QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(LUCENE_VERSION, "name", new 
> WhitespaceAnalyzer(LUCENE_VERSION));
> getIndexSearcher().search(qp.parse(“id:( 134586 or  134583 )”), 10);
> I got only 2 results as expected
> But when I try to search with query:
> (name:test) and id:( 134586 or  134583 )
> I got many results, but I expect only documents with id  =  134586 or  134583 
>  which have test in name field. Why lucene add to search results additional 
> documents which not match search criteria?
> --
> Krasovskiy Maxim

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