
I implemented my Lucene solution using StandardAnalyzer for both indexing and 
searching. While testing, I noticed that special characters such as hyphens, 
forward slash etc. are omitted by this Analyzer.

In plain English, the requirement is to search for individual words, in Lucene 
terms SPACE should be the only tokenizer. Also, no part of the text should not 
be modified / omitted.

For eg. ModelNumber: ABC/x:123
Here there should be only 2 tokens, "ModelNumber:" and "ABC/x:123".

Based on what I read about WhitespaceAnalyzer, it sounds as though it can do 
exactly what I am looking for. Before I make this big decision, I also wanted 
to run this by you folks to check if there are any side-effects of switching 
the Analyzer - keeping in mind my requirements.

Any suggestions as always would be greatly appreciated.



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