The presence of a wildcard character causes the query parser to completely skip analysis for that term.

You, the writer of the query terms, need to manually simulate all the the work that the analyzer does when a wildcard is present in a term.

What does your query actually look like, and what does the indexed data look like?

The simple answer to your question is that wildcards don't behave any differently between the two analyzers - simply because they are not used at all for the wildcard terms.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From:
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 10:14 PM
Subject: How to perform Wildcard search when using WhitespaceAnalyzer?

Hi All,

Sorry to repeat this question from my previous mail chain, but I am hoping the modified subject will catch someone's attention - in case they are familiar with this situation.

Could any one please suggest if it is possible to perform Leading and / or trailing wildcard searches using WhitespaceAnalyzer? I was able to do such searches using StandardAnalyzer but Lucene Search simply seems to ignore the wildcards with WhitespaceAnalyzer. The issue is also not with the case as I have ensured that the case both in index and search terms are the same.

WhitespaceAnalyzer works well for my cause, hence I don't want to switch back to StandardAnalyzer.

////////////// Code //////////////

strBufSearchString.append("\"" + QueryParser.escape(strTxtSearchString.trim().toUpperCase()) + "*" + "\"");

Analyzer analyzer = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_43);

QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_43, "CONTENTS", analyzer);

query = parser.parse(strBufSearchString.toString());


Please suggest. It is real urgent.. Appreciate any possible help!




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