
Thanks for the tip. Sadly, we are only requesting a set page size worth of documents at a time.

if (startIdx==0) {
topDocs =,queryFilter,searchResult.getPageSize(), sort);
} else {
topDocs = indexSearcher.searchAfter(p.startScoreDoc, query, queryFilter, searchResult.getPageSize(),sort);
The page size is set to 50,000.

We've noticed that during major collections, search grinds to a halt for several minutes.

What are the best JVM collector settings for Lucene searching? We're tried various options and they don't seem to make much difference.



On 2014/06/23, 1:43 PM, Toke Eskildsen wrote:
On Mon, 2014-06-23 at 13:33 +0200, Jamie wrote:
While running a search over several million documents, the Yourkit
profiler reports a deadlock on the following method. Any ideas?

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