Yes, the white space tokenizer will preserve all punctuation, but... then the query for DevNm00* will fail. A "smarter" set of filters is probably needed here... start with white space tokenization, keep that overall token, then trim external punctuation and keep that token as well, and then use word delimiter filter to split out the embedded words, like DevNm00, and add them.

The word delimiter filter will do most of that, but not the part of trimming out external punctuation. But depending on your use case, it may be close enough.


-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Michael Sokolov
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: Why does this search fail?

Tokenization is tricky.  You might  consider using whitespace tokenizer
followed by word delimiter filter (instead of standard tokenizer); it
does a kind of secondary tokenization pass that can preserve the
original token in addition to its component parts. There are some weird
side effects to do with term frequencies and phrase-like queries, but it
would make all these wildcard queries work I think.


On 08/27/2014 09:54 AM, Milind wrote:
I see.  This is going to be extremely difficult to explain to end users.
It doesn't work as they would expect.  Some of the tokenizing rules are
already somewhat confusing.  Their expectation is that it should work the
way their searches work in Google.

It's difficult enough to recognize that because the period is surrounded by
a digit and alphabet (as opposed to 2 digits or 2 alphabets), it gets
tokenized.  So I'd have expected that C0001.DevNm00* would effectively
become a search for C0001 OR DevNm00*. But now, because of the presence of
the wildcard, it's considered as 1 term and the period is not a tokenizer.
That's actually good, but now the fact that it's still considered as 2
terms for wildcard searches makes it very unintuitive.  I don't suppose
that I can do anything about making wildcard search use multiple terms if
joined together with a tokenizer. But is there any way that I can force it
to go through an analyzer prior to doing the search?

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Jack Krupansky <>

Sorry, but you can only use a wildcard on a single term. "C0001.DevNm001"
gets indexed as two terms, "c0001" and "devnm001", so your wildcard won't
match any term (at least in this case.)

Also, if your query term includes a wildcard, it will not be fully
analyzed. Some filters such as lower case are defined as "multi-term", so
they will be performed, but the standard tokenizer is not being called, so
the dot remains and this whole term is treated as one term, unlike the
index analysis.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Milind
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:24 PM
Subject: Why does this search fail?

I have a field with the value C0001.DevNm001.  If I search for

    C0001.DevNm001 --> Get Hit
    DevNm00*       --> Get Hit
    C0001.DevNm00*  --> Get No Hit

The field gets tokenized on the period since it's surrounded by a letter
and and a number.  The query gets evaluated as a prefix query.  I'd have
thought that this should have found the document.  Any clues on why this
doesn't work?

The full code is below.

        Directory theDirectory = new RAMDirectory();
        Version theVersion = Version.LUCENE_47;
        Analyzer theAnalyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(theVersion);
        IndexWriterConfig theConfig =
new IndexWriterConfig(theVersion, theAnalyzer);
        IndexWriter theWriter = new IndexWriter(theDirectory, theConfig);

        String theFieldName = "Name";
        String theFieldValue = "C0001.DevNm001";
          Document theDocument = new Document();
          theDocument.add(new TextField(theFieldName, theFieldValue,

        String theQueryStr = theFieldName + ":C0001.DevNm00*";
        Query theQuery =
            new QueryParser(theVersion, theFieldName,
        System.out.println(theQuery.getClass() + ", " + theQuery);
        IndexReader theIndexReader =;
        IndexSearcher theSearcher = new IndexSearcher(theIndexReader);
        TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(10,
true);, collector);
        ScoreDoc[] theHits = collector.topDocs().scoreDocs;
        System.out.println("Hits found: " + theHits.length);


class, Name:c0001.devnm00*
Hits found: 0


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